About Us

Deriba Center for Environmental Studies (DCES) was founded in July 2018 in Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur State, Sudan. The center’s establishment was driven by the pressing and urgent need for more comprehensive scientific research, studies, training, and developmental projects across all environmental fields. The region’s geographic location, nature, and natural resources greatly influence the decision to select its location.

Our Vision

To achieve ecological sustainable societies through establishing a research center of excellence,  promoting sustainable development on a regional basis as part of a global intervention with  focusing on the role of local communities and building environmental scientific research and  technology of natural resources, food and environment.

Our Mission

DCES is committed to preserving Sudan’s rich ecological system and bio-diverse environment. Our mission is to understand and protect precious natural resources for future generations through establishing sustainable environmental management strategies, empowering local communities, and expanding the integration of gender-inclusive approaches; decisions, policymakers, and different stakeholders into environmental issues using research and scientific approaches aligning with the concept of the SDGs. We are dedicated to sustainable development and stewardship of Sudan’s unique natural environment.

What We Do


Research Material Production and Scientific Studies.

Sustainable Development Program Implementation.


Environmental Education Concept Development and Culture Dissemination.​

Institutional Partnerships for Environmental Collaboration.


Advocating for Ecological Conservation and Practices for Reforestation.​


Peacebuilding via Natural Resource Management Promotion.​

Our Work

Within the context of collaboration between Deriba Center for Environmental Studies and People to People Organization, in training members of national and …

A series of workshops aiming to provide the participants with basic principles, skills, applicable knowledge, on best practices of management and strategic plans about building and maintaining peace through the management of natural resources to reduce competition and tension over natural resources.

The United Nations Local Youth Conference is one of the important conferences to support and empower youth. In 2015, the idea and …

DCES Center, in cooperation with the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC)- Sudan, held the second environmental arts café in the …

DCES in cooperation with the Islamic Relief Organization engaged in training local communities and raising their ability to earn a living, The …

The center began its second schools’ trees planting project on August 26 and ended on September 23. The project included 13 schools …


+ 2
Fund Raised
20 K
+ 20
+ 5