Our offices

  •  Headquarter:
  •  Location:  Zallingei, Central Darfur state.
  • Address: Al Souq area, West of Zalingei Hospital
  • Khartoum office:
  • Location: Khartoum city, Alamarat, Square 12; 
  • Address: St 31, House N0.9, 2 Floor, Flat No.
  • Al-Genina office:
  •  Location: Al-Genina city, Western Darfur State.
  • Address: Al-Gamarik area.
  • Field office:
  • Location: Juldo administrative unit West of Jabel Marra locality. 

Press officers

Journalists can contact one of our press officers. Contact details can be found on this page email address for general inquiries.

We would be happy to discuss a collaboration.


DCES handles personal data under the relevant legislation. Your data is and will remain yours. At your request, we will be glad to tell you what we know about you and why we need this information to be of service to you. Also, upon request, we can destroy all the data we have from you.

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