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Promoting Peace through Natural Resources Management (February 2023)


The issue of transition from conflict to peace in fragile conflict and post-conflict societies requires careful consideration of natural resource management. That’s why unresolved issues surrounding natural resources can reignite tensions. In addition to eliminating potential obstacles to peace, natural resource management can also provide opportunities for confidence-building measures as well as models for more effective and equitable governance.

From a wider perspective and by looking at the analytical results. It is a solid fact that the continuous rise of the global population, and the continuous growth in demand for resources will cause a significant potential for conflicts over natural resources to intensify in the coming decades. In addition, the potential

The impacts of climate change on the water availability, food security, the prevalence of the disease, coastal boundaries, and population growth and distribution may ag-gravate existing tensions and generate new conflicts. Here we can see the importance of preparing and building the resilience of the local communities.

Goal of the workshop

The aim of the workshop was to provide the participants with basic principles, skills, applicable knowledge, on best practices of management and strategic plans about building and maintaining peace through the management of natural resources to reduce competition and tension over natural resources.


The workshop achieved the following objectives:

  • To enhance peace building capacity through the management of the natural resources to achieve environmental sustainability.
  • To address the importance of the integration approach of natural resources management for sustainability and development.
  • To activate the role of young people in leading the conservative of the environmental resource.
  • To promote the capabilities and skills of young farmers association, native administrations, and community-based organizations (CBOs).
  • To address the grassroots of low agricultural and livestock production and productivity on food security.
  • To provide basic principles on the impact of pollution growth in environmental degradation.
  • To secure food by integrating and improving natural resources and increasing the resilience of local communities considering the circumstances surrounding them, through sustainable management of natural resources.
  • To provide knowledge on the restoration of biodiversity through water harvesting techniques.
  • Understand the link between social peace and natural resource management.

Target Beneficiaries

The workshop targeted various stakeholders involved in utilizing environmental and natural resources in Western Jabel Marra locality, Nertiti.  The participants including Farmers’ Association Groups, IDPs, pastoralists, government representatives, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), youth activists, resistance committees, and women leaders. There was a total of 16 male and female participants, each receiving a certificate of participation with per day incentives for attending the two-day event.


After deep and valuable discussion between the participants the following recommendations were drawn:

  • Increasing the peace building capacity for the local communities.
  • Including the local communities in the process of peace building.
  • Applying and activating the natural resources laws to protect the area.
  • Provide water harvesting techniques, to support water availability.
  • Provide an alternative source of energy to reduce the consumption of biomass.
  • Increase the participation of beneficiaries in the negotiations and peace talks.
  • Mapping the natural resources in the area to fill the gap and provide grassroots solutions to the environmental problems.

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